Oppdalsmøtet 2017- New deadline: February 7th!!!

The Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS) wish to invite you all to a two-day professional and social gathering at hotel Skifer, Oppdal http://www.skiferhotel.no/.


The science program will start at approx. 14.00 the 22nd of March, and will finish at 11.30 the day after. Transport will be by optional, but we suggest the participants to buy tickets for the train arriving at Oppdal 09.55.

This is an excellent opportunity for master and PhD students to present their research, and NBS will cover 1000 NOK of the conference fee for participants that are selected to present their research as a talk during the meeting.


The meeting costs approx. 2000 NOK, this covers food and lodging in double room.

Register by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Please mention in your e-mail whether you wish to present your research and who you wish to share room with (only doubles available).

Final registration date is Febuary 7th.

We hope to meet many of you at Oppdal!

Best regards,

Lene Grøvdal, NBS Trøndelag

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